

Project Neev

Building moral and educational fundamentals through a curriculum that is tailor-made for each child is our primary goal.
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Project Arogyam

A healthy mind & sound body are an outcome of a regular nutritious & balanced diet. We try to serve the kids with regular health check-ups, balanced diet & more.
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Project Sara

Under SARA, we rescue injured stray animals, run feeding drives, awareness campaigns, adoption and stand against animal cruelty.
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Project Sampoorna

We believe that learning a skill or vocation should be a part of our mainstream education system, because it lets us explore, our talents and that is what our kids do under Project Sampoorna, EXPLORE!
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Who are We

We are Khwaahish NGO, working in four sectors, namely Health, Education, Skill, and Compassion, since 2017, aiming at uplifting the weaker sections of society through various means and helping the voiceless stray animals. Khwaahish is committed to end the massive violation of people’s fundamental rights, particularly those of children living in India’s slums. We want to empower them with education by applying development strategies that are adapted to the community’s requirements. Individuals from all around India, have been supporting our cause, through various means, which is helping us reach our goal of making the youth sensitive towards social issues as well.


No. of kids



No. of families



No. of stray animals



No. of stray animals


Freedom comes with responsibility and a
true leader understands it.
Tina was just another kid who did not like to study
but was extra vigilant when it came to vocational
training and related activities. Apart from this, she
had one more demeanor, as she was a little greedy
and often attempted petty thefts. As a part of our
alternative approach, we loaded her with responsibility
instead of scolding her. Soon enough, wonders
happened, and she grew to be one of our most talented
macramé artists and a responsible chap as she
understood that freedom comes with responsibility.
Coal-picker to class topper
No one could ever think that a kid who used to stay
covered with coal dust and mud all day long can ace
her academics if taught and trained compassionately.
Yes, that is exactly how Chanchal’s story looks.
Her academic excellence and dedication are proof that
every kid is talented, they just need the right mentoring.
She didn’t let her circumstances shape her destiny.
Manju is one of our brightest little kids, who shares her one-room home with a family of 4. Life has been a little harsh on her, as she lost her father to COVID and her family lived for 2 years without any electricity as they didn’t have the money to pay the bill and get the connection. But she didn’t let her circumstances shape her destiny. Nothing could stop her from studying. Even after the situation went north, she aced her academics and has grown to be one of the sincerest children.
Amidst the rampant environment, she glimmers
to propel her family
Imagine a kid with a soul full of talent, a sharp mind, and
artistic skills. Kumkum is one such child, who was ready to
be shaped into a great character but lacked the right
environment and opportunities. But now, after years of hard
work and dedication, Kumkum is our all-rounder. She is good
in academics, an excellent henna and macramé artist, a
melodious singer, and a fantastic dancer. You name it, Kumkum
owns the skill. A true learner and seeker in all senses! Amidst
the rampant environment, she glimmers to propel her family
out of poverty and menace.
Break the norms, which are binary
A beautiful mind with a tender soul, who had great potential and was looking for just the right opportunities to showcase his talent and much more. Nitesh was a little different, he liked art, loved to dance, and enjoyed making lovely art pieces out of macramé. But, did nothing, as he was not confident enough to present himself doing something that society says, is a girl’s job to do. WHO GETS TO DECIDE WHO DOES WHAT? We encouraged him to pursue what he loved, and he broke gender norms. Today, he is making fantastic macramé wall hangings and has grown to be confident with his choices as well.
From taking commands from the shop owner
to giving commands to a computer!
When we first met Shivam, he was in grade 5 and used to
help his father at the shop where he was working. Even
when he was enrolled in school, he wasn’t regular and
could barely read and write. Pretty soon, when he took
his first initial classes with our volunteers, we realized
that he has great potential, it was just a push, and the right
mentoring, that was missing. Today, he can not only read
and write correctly, but he has also started to learn website
design with one of our volunteers. From taking commands
from the shop owner to giving commands to a computer,
Shivam has come a long way.

We stand for Stray Animals

It is important to help stray animals because they often face numerous challenges when living on the streets. Stray animals, such as cats, dogs, cows, and mules, etc. may struggle to find food and clean water, and they may not receive the necessary medical care they need. They are also at risk of being hit by cars or attacked by other animals, and they may face harsh weather conditions.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” As the most evolved species, it is our moral responsibility to take care of those whom we share our planet with. Under our project SARA, Stray Animal Rescue and Adoption we rescue injured stray animals, run feeding drives, awareness campaigns and stand against animal cruelty.

We also run an Animal Care Centre, where we foster injured animals who need our love and care till they heal and put them up for adoption once they are back in their shape and in good health. We have some permanent residents with us as their chances to recover are less.


Volunteerism and Community Service

Volunteerism and community service are essential components of building strong, vibrant, and resilient communities. When people come together to support and serve their community, they

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Technology for Social Good

In today’s world, technology is ubiquitous, touching almost every aspect of our lives. From the smartphones in our pockets to the artificial intelligence that powers

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Child Protection and Welfare

Child protection and welfare are critical issues that require attention from all stakeholders, including governments, civil society organizations, and individuals. Children are vulnerable members of

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