About Us

Khwaahish was formed in 2017 by Ayushi Nagar, a young social entrepreneur who brought together a group of committed individuals aiming to make an impact on the ground by addressing a variety of societal issues. The NGO, which is based in Kashipur, Uttarakhand, and has volunteers from all across the country, works in the sectors of education, health, hygiene, animal welfare, and much more. The blue wings in our logo represent giving wings to children’s dreams and helping them fly towards a bright future that can help underprivileged youths which is exactly what we are doing at Khwaahish- making a difference in the lives of people from underprivileged communities. Day by day, it is enlarging its reach to include more than 500 community volunteers. The Khwaahish NGO collaborates with the Kashipur Municipal Corporation and several organizations. We currently run our programs, such as ‘NEEV,’ ‘SARA,’ ‘SAMPOORNA,’ and ‘AAROGYAM,’ and we also organize various types of social upliftment activities to address other concerns regularly. We would like to remind you that 40 percent of India’s population is under the age of 18, giving it the world’s largest child population at 400 million. Khwaahish committed to ending the massive violation of people’s fundamental rights, particularly those of children living in India’s slums. We want to empower them with education by applying development strategies that are adapted to the community’s requirements.


Assisting underprivileged Indian children in achieving their full potential. To be a dependable and valued social service provider in the areas of education, health, the environment, and humanitarian development. We believe that animals are people too. Like us, they too are entitled to the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As the planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants, they deserve our strongest support.


Reaching the greatest number of underprivileged youth and creating long-term changes in their lives. To help improve society by accelerating charitable service and assisting society changes. To provide sick, wounded, and abandoned animals food, shelter, medication, kindness, safety, and care, for as long as they need it.

From the Founder's Desk

Dear supporters,
I would like to extend a profound gratitude to each and everyone for joining hands with us and playing a part in creating a society consisting of equals. We have been able to make a difference in the lives of less advantaged women and children due to the joint endeavor with our donor community.

Our yearly progress and development are the result of a set of initiatives which have been taken in collaboration with various corporations, organizations and private individuals through our programs.
We have been able to stand strong because your contributions have helped us bring change even when it seemed impossible. We cannot thank you enough for everything that you’ve done and I’m truly grateful to have you as our partners. I hope that you will continue to stand by us.
On the path to a better society, your great efforts over the year and continuous motivation have again transformed the life of many individuals while keeping us going with the same level of enthusiasm every day.

Ayushi Nagar, Founder Khwaahish

Aims & Objectives

• To provide free education to poor children to achieve ‘Education for All.’
• To provide children with a complete education that will aid in their development.
• To create an environment that encourages their curiosity and inventiveness.
• Enrolling students in a formal education system.
• To assist women in rural areas in developing occupational skills and achieving financial independence.
• To create replicable development models for rural India and bridge the gap between urban and rural India.
• To prevent rural communities from being forced to migrate to urban areas in search of a better standard of living.
• Preventing animal cruelty and ensuring animal care in India. The initial range of operations will be centered on the city Kashipur.
• To reduce animal suffering and promote love in people so that they understand their role as humans in animal protection.
• Encourage kindness, discourage cruelty, and boost human attitude toward animal care and treatment by initiating, promoting, and advancing governmental and other initiatives.
• To coordinate its operations with other non-profit organizations and associations, including local governments and state agencies, to promote projects and programs that reduce animal suffering.
• Owners are constantly reminded of their animals’ needs, which include sufficient food, shelter, attention, and exercise.
• Increasing public knowledge of the helpline and ambulance services so that sick and injured animals receive prompt treatment.

Annual Activity Report

Annual Activity Report 2021-2022
Annual Activity Report 2020-2021
Annual Activity Report 2019-2020

Our Team

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